Policy and General Indications


To be considered for a transplant, a patient must be evaluated using the OSOTC patient selection criteria by the appropriate multidisciplinary treatment team at one of the following member hospitals:

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ohio state wexner medical center branding
univeristy of cincinnati health center
cleveland clinic branding
cincinnati children's branding
nationwide children's branding

The patient will then be presented to the hospital-based Patient Selection Committee to determine the medical suitability of the candidate. The exact composition of the interdisciplinary committee is determined by each hospital.

General Indications for Transplant by Organ

It has been agreed by all member hospitals that patients will be evaluated for transplantation solely based on their medical suitability. The general indications are as follows:

Heart:Children and adults suffering from irremediable terminal cardiac disease with severely compromised survival despite application of other available medical and surgical therapies. Survival estimates are based on standard heart failure risk assessments
Heart/Lung:Irremediable terminal disease which a heart or lung transplant alone would not treat, and with an expected survival of not more than 12-24 months - functionally limited but not totally disabled
Single/Double Lung:End-stage fibrotic lung disease which is unresponsive to known alternative therapy

End-stage pulmonary disease with increased compliance (emphysema, eosinophilic granuloma, etc.) or chronic pulmonary infection (cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Liver:Children and adults suffering from irreversible liver dysfunction or the effects of liver dysfunction after alternative medical and surgical treatments have been utilized and where the benefits of transplantation out weigh the risk of alternative modalities.
Pancreas:Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Type I (JODM), with secondary complications that may include renal transplant, or insulin dependent Type II diabetes
Pancreas Islet Cell:Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Type I with absent C-peptide
Small Bowel/ Small Bowel & Liver:Short bowel syndrome and short bowel syndrome complicated by irreversible liver failure resulting from long-term total parenteral nutrition, or liver failure due to diseases that are Consortium-approved specific indications for liver transplantation alone or in combination with short bowel syndrome after all alternative medical and surgical treatments have been exhausted and the patients are approaching the terminal phase of their illness