Mission & Goals


The Ohio Solid Organ Transplantation Consortium is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with solid organ failure who could benefit from an organ transplant.

Since 1984, the Ohio Solid Organ Transplantation Consortium, a non-profit organization comprised of all the solid organ transplant programs in the state of Ohio, has brought together transplant professionals dedicated to collaboration, data sharing and peer review to enhance the quality of transplant services in Ohio.

mission osotc


The following goals have been identified to assist the OSOTC in achieving its mission.

optimization of ohio transplant resources

Optimize utilization of the scarce resources currently available for transplant by carefully selecting patients listed for transplant.

quality organ transplantation services in ohio

Improve and ensure transplant program quality excellence through peer review, evaluation and continuous improvement of standards, processes and effectiveness.

coordinate transplant data among ohio hospitals

Coordinate information sharing among its members by collecting, monitoring and analyzing statewide transplant data for the purposes of education and research.

ohio transplantation education

Foster excellence in transplantation by providing opportunities for professional growth through quality multi-disciplinary educational programs.

organ transplant laws in ohio

Represent the needs of the patients and issues of importance to the transplant community to Ohio policy makers.